10 Important Facts That You Must Know About Content Marketing

10 Important Facts That You Must Know About Content Marketing

10 important facts that you must know about content marketing. Content marketing is all the buzz right now. There’s no doubt about it. We’re seeing the best content online, and tools to help you create compelling content are popping up left and right.

Table of Content

1. Definition of content marketing
2. Why Content Marketing?
3. The Benefits of content marketing
4. Types of content marketing
5. Types of Content Distribution Channels
6. Content Marketing Is a Must for Any Business
7. How to Conduct Effective Content Marketing
8. How to Use Social Media in Your Content Marketing Strategy
9. How to Use Infographics in Your Strategy
10. The Importance of Long Tail Keywords

Before we dive in, let’s be clear: Content marketing isn’t a fad. You can create great content and still not be successful with it. It’s a process that involves strategy, planning, and execution.

I know we have talked about this article in the past — but it bears repeating. It takes time to build your audience for your product or service — and time is what you need more than ever right now!

So how do you get people interested? The answer is simple: You need to do what any good marketer does: Tell them why they should want to use your product or service (and they will). It doesn’t matter if it’s an amazing product (like Red Flannel Pajama sets) or great service (like a free e-book). Tell people why they should want to try your offer or use your product or service! And remember, don’t take someone for their word; provide proof of value.

Here are 10 Facts that You Must Know About Content Marketing.

Content marketing is a key part of the digital marketing strategy. But many misconceptions surrounding it and even some myths that we should be aware of. In this article, I will lay out Ten important facts that every content marketer must know about content marketing to deliver high-quality content to the audience.

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1. Definition of Content Marketing

Let's start at the beginning: "What is Content Marketing?" you might wonder.
Aspiring web developers and entrepreneurs say they need to have “content skills” to succeed in the Internet age because there are so many opportunities on the Internet nowadays. But, when asked what that means exactly, they say it means producing quality articles on topics related to their industry using different platforms—themes such as blogs or sites like Medium or WordPress—to get their message across to people who might want to hear about their product or service.

Despite what you may think about the value of content marketing for your business, there are still a lot of misconceptions about this topic that affect how well you market your products or services online.

Here are some important facts that you must know before getting started in content marketing: 
  • The value of content isn’t just limited to generating traffic; it goes far beyond that too.
  • Content is not an article nor even an advertising channel; it is an idea (the message). 
  • It isn’t words; it has meaning (the intention). 
  • It isn’t words; it has a context (the body). 
  • The value of content lies in its ability to connect people with something—something meaningful—and make them want to learn more about its topic(s) through reading and sharing its content with others (i.e., sharing its content on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn…)
Content marketing is a marketing strategy that helps companies drive more qualified leads, sales leads, and revenue. It consists of writing and publishing content designed to engage with the target audience and increase customer engagement and loyalty.
To help you better understand the importance of content marketing, here are some of the most common misconceptions: 
  1. Content Marketing is Advertising 
  2. Content Marketing means Blogs 
  3. Content Marketing is Expensive 
  4. Content Marketing is Only for Startup Companies 
  5. Content Marketing doesn’t matter anymore.

2. Why Content Marketing?

Now, the question is “Why is Content Marketing So Important?
Content marketing is a term that has been used to describe the marketing of content (such as blog posts, articles, and videos) but it’s also a term used to refer to the entire process of marketing your content.

It isn’t about spreading your message through social media and creating content. It’s also about building a relationship with your audience to increase interest in your future products or services.

Content marketing is more than promoting your brand; it’s about using the power of content marketing to attract, engage and keep customers, who are looking for value in their lives.

You can use content marketing without creating any original content. You can use the same techniques that were used by Google Ads before they switched over to AdWords and started charging for ad placements, such as:

1. Search Engine Optimization – Webmasters have little control over their search engines but they can use free tools like Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) or Search Console (SEOmoz) to improve their search rankings, which will help them get more traffic from Google searches when compared to other search engines like Bing and Yahoo! Local SEO is focused on local businesses because people have much lower expectations for online businesses than location-based businesses like restaurants or grocery stores.

2. Social Media – A lot of people on Facebook are happy enough to post about whatever they come across without interacting with anyone else, so most of the time there are no comments left in a post anyway and usually no replies if you do get one. But not everyone is happy with this practice so they start commenting on every post instead and trying to influence each other by pushing other people's posts forward onto their pages (this is called "liking"). This fails because while it may be fun trying to influence people by posting things you think other people would like, there's nowhere near enough interaction between these users who don't know each other that there's even any point engaging with them anyway (and if there was, then again, most people would still ignore you).

3. Social Bookmarking – If people aren't interested in reading blog posts on your website or watching YouTube videos then why should they follow you on Twitter or visit your Facebook page? Instead of relying completely on advertising revenue from paid links or ads displayed at the top of web pages, many webmasters have turned towards social bookmarking sites like Digg, LiveJournal, Reddit, and StumbleUpon.

3. The Benefits of Content Marketing

Some people argue that content marketing is not a real thing. They’d argue that it’s a social media marketing strategy, so it won’t work for real businesses.

The truth is, content marketing can be a powerful marketing tool for any business. Startup founders, salespeople, and executives are prone to give up on their ideas until they receive the right amount of traffic. If you can provide them with an in-depth content document of their services or products, then you will have something solid to back up your claims and make your company an investment.

4. Types of Content

Content marketing is a term that refers to the effective distribution of quality content designed to drive conversions and sales. It is one of the most effective ways to make money online — and one of the easiest.

But it doesn’t come without its challenges. Because content marketing is a new phenomenon, it isn’t known by the general public. To become more successful with it, you need to master two essential facts about content marketing.

  • Content Marketing is Not for everyone

While there may be plenty of people who enjoy writing and researching topics that interest them, there are also plenty of people out there who don’t enjoy writing or researching topics that interest them.
These people either have no interest in learning about other people’s experiences or they hate reading and find reading boring (this applies to both men and women). The key here is not to force yourself into a niche topic that you don’t enjoy or know anything about. It wouldn’t be productive for you to write an article because someone told you that your topic was important.
How could you research something that isn’t interesting? If your topic is missing something that others have discovered, then your topic isn’t as important as you think it is (or not at all).

  • Productivity Isn’t Everything

It may sound like I am saying productivity isn’t everything when talking about content marketing, but this couldn’t be further from the truth when how important it is for us as marketers to take our time with our projects/proposals/content so we can get things right first time round — before we release them into the public domain so they can be seen by others.
I would also argue that if you want your content to be remembered long after you have forgotten about it, then taking your time with it will ensure success (and failure). It will help ensure its relevancy over time by ensuring that your audience doesn’t forget what they read — which may happen if they skim through their headlines often or read a few sentences at a time to save space on their mobile devices (a lot of people do this).
If your audience does report forgetting what they read after a short period, then one day these words will hit their minds again because someone else might have published an article about them somewhere in the future — making them.

5. Types of Content Distribution Channels

When it comes to content marketing, there are a plethora of options available. We aren’t going to cover the whole spectrum of content distribution channels because they are all quite different and each has its specific benefits. But we will be covering five channels that you can use to distribute your content marketing message and ideas.

1) AdWords: Google AdWords is the largest Internet advertising platform from Google. It’s used by many websites and businesses for online advertising.

2) Facebook: Facebook is an online social networking website founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and fellow students at Harvard University. The site allows users to create personal user profiles, add other users as friends and make contact with them through the use of virtual communities called "friends".

3) YouTube: YouTube was launched on February 14, 2005, by Steve Chen “Lil Cooper” Johnson, Chad Hurley, and Javed Karim. It is a video-sharing website that uses a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript coding techniques to help the creation of video clips.

4) Instagram: Instagram was founded in January 2010 by Kevin Systrom (a former employee of Digg). It is an online photo-sharing platform that allows you to take photos using various cameras on your phone or computer as well as upload them for viewing later.

5) Pinterest: Pinching back on another website, Pinterest allows users to find items for sale on their site through pinning or clicking on an image link from another site. This makes it attractive for sellers because they don't have to create their listings or advertisement banners check one off their friend's list or follow one of their favorite blogs.

6. Content Marketing Is a Must for Any Business

Getting your content to the right person is a challenge, but you can leverage marketing channels to increase your content’s reach. Content marketing is more than about writing blogs and publishing articles on social media platforms. It’s about finding the right conversion models for your content.

By looking at the different sources of traffic that advertisers use to reach consumers, you can learn more about how to enhance and optimize the content you publish for particular platforms and audiences.

The first step of this process is identifying which channels best suit your business model. In its simplest form, this process involves understanding which traffic sources deliver the most value to your business as well as measuring how much value they provide. This will help you determine if you can use a unique content marketing strategy focused on monetizing those visitors or if it makes sense to include advertising on them.

Once you have identified which channels work best for your business, then you must determine if they are better suited for search or if they are better suited for display, or even both. This will then give you an idea of what type of ads should be placed on the pages to maximize conversions
Now that the right channels exist, you must identify more ways in which those same traffic sources can be leveraged through optimization strategies. For example, instead of only running search-based ads on Facebook, why not try implementing a page-wide banner with a title and some key phrases from each page?
This will allow marketers to optimize their ads across many pages at once without having to worry about losing their audience over changes in ad placement due to ad scheduling rules and other factors governing ad placement.

Besides, this allows marketers and sales teams who use analytics tools such as Google Analytics (GA), Shopify Analytics (SA), Adobe Analytics (DA), Google AdWords (GWA), Facebook Ads (FB), or Pinterest Ads (PA), these tools are now able to provide an instant overview of all campaign performance via ad serving reports within their products without having access to external data feed provided by third-party software vendors such as Google Analytics, Shopify Analytics, or Adobe Analytics that were before required when using these third party platforms only.
This allows advertisers not only immediate insight into how many impressions they were able to generate through a particular campaign but also how many clicks those impressions generated and where those clicks came from instead of relying on third-party reporting systems such as FB Ads or Pinterest Ads.

7. How to Conduct Effective Content Marketing

Content marketing has been around for a while, but it hasn’t become widespread yet. It is becoming an important part of every marketer’s strategy, as it helps to drive traffic and sales to a website, and convert those visitors into customers.
Yet, many marketers still don’t understand the benefits of content marketing, and even fewer are aware of the steps that can be taken to start conducting it. Several key facts should be known about content marketing that any business owner or manager should know: 
  1. Content marketing is not about posts on the internet.
  2. There are a lot of ways to conduct business through content marketing. 
  3. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to content marketing. 
  4. Content marketing is an ongoing process. 
  5. For content marketing to succeed, you need to have a strategy in place.
  6. There are certain elements that all marketers in any industry should have in place. 
  7. Content marketing requires discipline and focus. 
  8. Content cannot be created without investment. 
  9. A great way to improve your content marketing efforts is by choosing which type of media will best serve your needs.
  10. A good way to start your content marketing journey is by creating articles. 
  11. It can be done with blogging. 
  12. Creating quality articles will make the difference between success and failure. 
  13. There are different types of writing styles. 
  14. The fact remains that there are different strategies and approaches for implementing different types of strategies.
  15. Different articles serve different purposes. 

8. How to Use Social Media in Your Content Marketing Strategy

For content distribution, social media is a must-have tool. People may now interact, mingle, and communicate more thanks to social networks. They promote inbound marketing by bringing individuals together through a variety of tools and capabilities, including text, video, and audio conversations.

To make your social media marketing efforts a success, identify the social media platform on which your audience spends most of their time. Instead of wasting time and resources being active on all social media platforms, focus on the ones where you are most likely to find your ideal audience. Social media marketing can be a great way to build authority in your industry.

There are many popular social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tick Talk, WeChat, Tumblr, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pinterest, Twitch, and VK. Other sites that are not real social networks like Reddit and YouTube are also important for social media marketers. The important thing for brands to understand is that every social media platform is different, and the content that a brand creates for one platform may not be appropriate for another.

Like other sources, content that brands post on social platforms should be in line with the brand's voice and values. Social media is a tool that allows brands to show more personality and character. Humorous and lightweight, entertaining content enables consumers to see the human side of the brand. Consumers understand that brands are businesses with financial gain, but they don't want to be assaulted with sales pitches or advertising tactics. Instead of increasing brand loyalty, increasing the use of social media for advertising will drive consumers away.

Besides, many aspects of social media marketing need to be explored. Influencer marketing can be seen as part of social media marketing, while the other wing will be social payments. 

They can collaborate in some circumstances; for example, a company may commission an influencer piece on Facebook, and if that influence exists in Facebook's creator system, they can collaborate and may promote the post as an enhanced ad unit.

9. How to Use Infographics in Your Strategy

It’s the best way to get noticed fast. Infographics are easy to understand, digestible, and can be shared with a wider audience than anyone. Companies like Netflix use infographics to educate their customers while they watch content. But there’s more to this than fun graphics that take your site or app to a higher level of engagement.

In the business world, content marketing is an important tool for success. It’s a strategy that aims at giving your company an edge in the online space by using relevant information and images that will engage your target audience. It works when done right, but not always. It can be challenging if you don’t have a solid understanding of how content marketing works. And if you are new to this kind of strategy, it can feel baffling at first glance.

10. The Importance of Long Tail Keywords

The importance of long-tail keywords is that they are the first to take over when it comes to generating traffic, leads, sales, and conversions. This is because long tails can be found in content marketing sites as well as online advertising. The keywords that you should be focusing on for your content marketing are:

  • Content Marketing 

  • Micro-content marketing

These keywords can be found when browsing through search engines or on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Here are a few examples of content marketing terms that you need to know about: 
  • #Content – The Most Important Keyword in SEO.
  • #Article – A piece of written material (text, blog post, etc.) 
  • #Blog – A website dedicated to posting written material (articles, tutorials, etc.) 
  • #Website – A website created for posting written material (blogs, etc.)


The best way to promote your business using content marketing. It is believed that content marketing is a way to monetize the content that you have created. But it is not as simple and clear as that. There are many other facts that you need to consider before you decide whether to use content marketing to promote your business.
If you’re interested in the topic of content marketing, then have a look at this post and read up on some of the best tips on how to promote your business using content marketing.

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